mardi 21 mai 2013

La pierre de Los Lunas.

Inscription hébraïque au Nouveau-Mexique antique ?

Que pensez-vous de cette, anciens explorateurs ?

La pierre de Los Lunas est située près de la ville de Los Lunas au Nouveau-Mexique. La partie la plus fascinante de cet artefact n'est pas seulement l'inscription hébraïque sur la pierre, mais le fait que les « dix commandements » composer le script. Si ce n'est pas un canular, où il s'avérerait qu'un peuple sémite, probablement des Hébreux, arrivée en Amérique bien avant Colomb ou les Vikings.
Hebrew Inscription in Ancient New Mexico?

What do you make of this, @[310818639019033:274:Ancient Explorers]?

The Los Lunas Stone is located near the town of Los Lunas in New Mexico.  The most fascinating part of this artifact is not just the Hebrew inscription on the stone, but the fact that the "Ten Commandments" compose the script. If it is not a hoax, it would prove that a Semitic people, probably Hebrews, arrived in the Americas long before Columbus or the Vikings.

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Hebrew Inscription in Ancient New Mexico?

What do you make of this, Ancient Explorers?

The Los Lunas Stone is located near the town of Los Lunas in New Mexico. The most fascinating part of this artifact is not just the Hebrew inscription on the stone, but the fact that the "Ten Commandments" compose the script. If it is not a hoax, it would prove that a Semitic people, probably Hebrews, arrived in the Americas long before Columbus or the Vikings.

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